Today we went on our annual apple picking trip with the grandparents. This time I decided to bring my 3 nieces with us and thankfully Corey was able to also go.So we loaded the 6 kids into our car and we were not 15 minutes from my house when we had to stop at the rest area.Before long we were in Hendersonville, NC and feeding the lamas. The kids thought this was so funny because the animals tried to eat the cups. Then we loaded back up{that is a chore getting all the kids in the car without leaving one} and went to Stepp Apple Orchard. They usually have a sunflower maze but with all the rain it was closed because it was so muddy. The kids really didn't mind they just wanted to pick some apples. With that many kids{and each having a basket}we told them they could pick a certain amount of apples. If not we would have came home with 3 bushels.
Corey with our youngest niece Cassie
Tamara and Zoe feeding the goats
Of course Kain didn't want any part of this picture
These boys are too funny
Our oldest nephew Draven
Cassie loves her big sisters

After we had picked plenty of apples we drove to Lake Lure for a picnic. Um not sure why I didn't take any pictures.Maybe I was to involved with the I had made pasta salad,banana pudding and some delicious cookies I saw on Stephanie's blog.And of course we had many different types of sandwiches.We had a wonderful day and I am so thankful that we were able to share it with our family. Now I gotta figure out what to do with these apples. Do you have any good recipes?
The thing I miss most about not living in MI anymore is fall cuz fall always means apple orchards! Looks and sounds like a fun family day!
Corey looks so cute holding a little one! You have such an awesome family.
Love that you all went apple picking...we need to do that. What do you do after you get them every year? I'm not a huge apple pie fan although I haven't have one since I was younger so maybe my tastes have changed...they look yummy I will admit.
Glad you all had a good got some great the tractor one..that's cool!
Oh I love me some Apple Orchards and pumpkin patches. The first of many fall posts.:) Cute pictures and how sweet to take your nieces along.
my favorite time of year!!!!!!
Oh, pie (but that's a give). Oh, and there's apple crisp!!
We went apple picking a couple of years ago for a field trip. The kids had alot of fun!
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