Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am listening…

Don’t tell God how big the storm is,tell the storm how big your God is!”

I found that quote on face book and it just jumped out at me. It’s like God was/is talking right to me. I have been in a funk lately. I look around and see these women that God is using to do amazing things. Why is HE not talking to me or using me to do those things? Surely I am not the only one who has ever felt like this.I realized I have not been listening until now.

A couple ( the Rogers) from our church showed me this week all about trusting in God. I’m not sure all of the details but last year they received a call from some friends. The friends were hosting a boy(S) from Ukraine for 2 weeks. I guess this is some kind of program where orphans get to come visit. Not sure but something had happened and the friends weren’t able to host the child. Since the Roger’s had adopted twice before and had a home study they were allowed to host S. Of course this was all a God thing because the Roger’s just fell in love with S. So this week they traveled to Ukraine to be reunited with him.

Well their journey so far has been all God! You can follow their journey here!

I feel like God is talking to me and I am finally listening. He wants me to be faithful to Him and put all my trust in Him. That He is bigger than the storm!


He & Me + 3 said...

That is a great quote. I have felt the same way. So thankful He is bigger than any storm in my life.

More Than Words said...

Okay, are you thinking of adopting?????