Friday, May 28, 2010

Family Fun

Sunday afternoon we rode to the mountains and took our dogs with us. Lucy (the cocker spaniel) barks at everyone,but she did good at the park. Rosie (our new baby) just ran her little heart out. The kids played ball and we had a nice relaxing time! We are counting down the days until school is out and we can do this more often.











Stephanie said...

Wow you got some great pictures! the one of Zoe and the puppy is adorable!

Lucy is so cute-she's a precious cocker!!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

We would love to take our Angel to the park like that...but she would never just stay by us. Wishing we had had her since she was a puppy. Cute pictures. What beautiful day and grass. So green

Coach Mac said...

Such a beautiful-looking day - makes me miss home...seeing all the greenery! Nice pics - I think I got tired just looking at the activity.

McCrakensx4 said...

What great family fun! The weather looks beautiful! That little Rosie is so very cute!