Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumkpin Patch

This morning I went with Zoe on her first field trip of the year. We went and visited Strawberry Hill USA. I knew they had strawberries( from the name) but they also have pumpkins too. But I did find out that their not grown on site.

I think this was the coldest day yet. We will probably all be sick by the weekend(I hope not ).My fingers are still unthawing as I type. But no matter how cold it was to us adults the kids had lots of fun.This time I did remember to take a coat( if not I would have sat on the bus). We tried some apple cider slushies ( we needed some hot cocoa) and man they were good.

Me and Zoe before the hay ride.

Farmer Zoe
They were making a scarecrow! Zoe was stuffing the legs.

This was the morning class and the afternoon class.

She was trying out the scarecrow's hat.

She was looking for just the right one.
My pumpkin with her little pumpkin!
Zoe running through the peach maze ( that was a first for us, the maze ,not Zoe running).


Tonya said...

I'm just catching up on my comments. Thanks for yours - it's SO NICE to meet you!

The pumpkin patch sounds like fun! I hope to get our boys out soon and visit the one near us. (I'd LOVE to get some pictures of them there)

I hope you have a GREAT almost weekend... hehe


Rhonda said...

Strawberry Hill sounds like fun....maybe we'll visit that one next year. Or we could go in strawberry season I guess - it would come sooner! :)