Yesterday was a very busy day.Thank the good Lord Corey was off.All of the children had awards day at school.It seems like we just did this but another 9 weeks has flew by. I was in charge of providing refreshments for 2 of the 3 classes. The night before we{Corey and I}made 100 mini cupcakes. The morning of we woke up early and start cooking again. We ended up with 100 ham biscuits and 100 muffins. So when it was time{7:45}to head to school I was already tired. Kain's class was first and they are always happy to see me because I always have food:)
Oh I forgot to mention this was the first time Corey has been able to come.
Kain opened the show with a little welcome speech.Of course he's looking everywhere but at me.
I made him take this picture.We had time to kill after Kain's class so we went into the library.Corey tried to teach Zoe about checkers.Not sure how that lesson went.
Noah is always excited about me coming to school.But he was super excited today.He was telling everyone his daddy was coming.
Honor Roll all far.
Noah wrote this about his spring break.
{You can click on the picture to make it bigger and easier to read}
Both of the boys classes demolished all the food. We walked away with only a few cupcakes left.They all were wanting more ham biscuits.
Zoe got an award for being Super Enthusiastic about school.Wonder if that's code for talks a lot?
After all of that I had to go look for the boys a shirt for Easter Sunday. I found one that almost matches Zoe's dress perfectly. We were suppose to go to a birthday party at a new park but it has been raining all day:( So we decided to dye our eggs. I boiled them last night and only broke 3 out of the 18!Zoe was very excited to "drop" her egg in.
Noah likes to take his time and write sweet things on his eggs.
Kain likes experimenting with mixing colors.
Daddy loves doing these kinds of things with the kids.
A few of our colorful creations. This pack of egg dye came with a cute matching game. It had symbols{cross,church,Easter basket,etc.} and then you matched it with the meaning.So while Corey was mixing the colors we played the game.
I am sad to say I am a follower:( After reading my friend Leigh's post about the Twilight books.I ran out and got this book.
I figured since I had saw the movie. I could just skip reading the first one.Corey can't stand it when I get a new book.It's not that he's against reading.He just knows that when I start a book. My house could be on fire and I wouldn't notice. I finished New Moon in 24 hours and I still got a little done around the house.After we left school today we went to Wal-Mart.I was looking for Eclipse but they were completely out! They had Breaking Dawn and I was so tempted to go ahead and read that one.But I restrained myself and I'm going to Target today:) I was reading yesterday in the doctors waiting room and these older kids were just looking at me.Is there an age limit to reading these books? I believe they thought I was way too old be interested in them.
What a busy day you had, but how fun. I love that your kids school has so many events and things that you are a part of during the school day. That is awesome. I would like one of those Ham biscuits please..they sound delish. That was awesome that Cory got to go with you and help out too. I know my kids are overjoyed when Dad gets to take them to school or even pick them up.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Love the bright eggs too. We are dying ours today.
What a fun day~ how cool that the kids' school does all that fun stuff. Our school does not and it makes me kinda sad! Good Job kids on all of your hard work. Wish we could bring home made stuff to school, no go, has to be all store bought! And the eggs look so pretty! We are dying ours today! Have a wonderful Easter!
How cute of the kids! We don't do awards day until the end of the school year but I think it's neat that they do it after the 9 weeks is up.
Those eggs look great!!!!
Hope you guys have a wonderful Easter!!!!
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